Saturday, August 30, 2014

Object Detection using AForge .Net

Object Detection plays a very important role in image processing. This blog explains how to detect a basic Object (shapes) using by using BlobCounter and SimpleShapeChecker class.

Blob Counter

   This class counts objects in images, which are separated by black background.


  This class performs checking/detection of some simple geometrical shapes for provided set of points (shape's edge points). During the check the class goes through the list of all provided points and checks how accurately they fit into assumed shape.

Input :



Download the Complete Source Code from here: BlobDetection

Previous Blog :Webcam using AForge .Net

Happy Coding.


  1. Code is good to detect shape. But if any circle filled out side the boundary, It can't detect it would you please tell me how may i detect this circle.

  2. I am detecting a selected object in an image. But I don't know how to do this. I have selected the object in the first frame. But I don't know how to detect the same object in the second and remaining frame with the help of the first frame. Can you help me. I am in need for my project.
    With Regards,
