Sunday, December 18, 2016

Motion Detection using C# and Accrod.Net

This blog shows how to perform Motion Detection using C# and Accord .Net.I assume you already installed accord .net in your system if not click here to know how to install and setup's create a new new windows C# application project and add the following references to "Accord .Imaging.dll","Accord.Video.dll","Accord.Vision.dll","Accord.Video.Directshow.dll","Accord.dll".

Friday, December 2, 2016

Drag and Drop on Windows Form C#

This post explains how we can directly drag and drop files on Windows Form.In this post i dynamically change the windows form background by using draganddrop event.Let' s create a new C# Windows Form Application and name it as Drag and Drop.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Create Startup Program using C#

 This post shows how to launch your application on system startup using few lines of codes in C#.Launching your application at windows start up is useful for checking updates etc.Create a new windows form application and design a form as shown below.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hide Program using C#

Hi this post show how to to hide your C# Application in system tray.To hide your program in system tray you need "notifyicon" control from toolbox.Create a new windows application and design a form like this

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Task Scheduler in C#

This post show how to create a simple task scheduler in C#.The program takes input(hours,minutes) from the user and display a message box at a specific time(Input Time).Create a new C# Windows Form Project in Visual studio.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Firewall Inbound and Outbound Rules in firewall C#

Hi in this blog we see how to add inbound and outbound rule to windows firewall using c#.Create a new windows form application and design a form like this.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Check Status of Windows Firewall using C#

Hi in this blog I am going to show how Check status of windows firewall using C#.Create a New Project and add Reference to "NetFwTypeLib".

Monday, October 3, 2016

Add Program to Explorer Context Menu

 Hi in blog I am going to show to add a menu to explorer context menu by adding key to Registry using C#.In this i am going to add "Open in Browser" to the context menu whenever user right clicks on the txt file 'Open in Browser' Menu will show up and when user click the menu Firefox will be opened. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

CRUD Operation using C#

Hi in this blog we are going to see how perform CRUD(create,update and delete) operation using C# and Sql Stored Procedure.Now open your visual studio and create a New Project and design a form like this.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Create Update Delete using DataGrid in C#

Hi in this tutorial we are going to see how to perform Create,Update and delete operation in DataGrid using c#.Create a New Project and design a form like as show below.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

DataGrid Part 1

Hi in this tutorial we are going to see how to populate the data from sql database to DataGrid. For this tutorial i used northwind  database . You can download the database from this link. Create a New Project and and add datagridview to your form.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Creating Media Player in C#

 Hi in this blog we are going to see how to create our custom media player using C#.First Create a project and add Reference "Window Media Player" under COM Section.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Visual Studio Code Snippet Manager

Hi in this blog i am going to show how to create a code snippets for Visual Studio from scratch.The visual studio code code snippets make you work more easy and you don't have to type same code again and again.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Get Active Process Running in System using C#

Hi in this blog I am going to show how to get the list of active process running in the system using System.Diagnostics namespace in c#.Create a new window application and name it as "GetActiveProcessList" and design a form as show in the fig.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Directory Search using C#

 Hi In this blog I am going to show how to perform directory search using c#.First create a C# windows Form Application Project.And then design  form as show in the figuer.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dragable Transparent Windows Form in C# - Part 2

 Hi In my previous blog i shown to create a transparent windows form.In this post i am going to show how to drag the transparent windows form to any location.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Creating Transparent Forms C#

       Hi in this post I am going to show how to create a transparent forms in c#.First create a c# windows application project and then that change background color of the form as show in the image.

Saturday, July 2, 2016