In this blog we are going to write a small Console Application using
.Net core to record Write Date and time whenever the program is run
and configure it using windows task scheduler to run during system
login and logoff.
Step 1: Create new Dotnet Core Console Application and name the
application as “LogonTimeRecorderConsole” then paste the
following code in the “Program.cs”.
Step 2: Then Publish your Console Application. When you open your published folder you can see following files.
Step 4: Now we are going to use same console Application to a two
task on for Recording Lockin Time and LockOut Time.Once the Task
Scheduler is open.Click on Create Task.
Step 5: In the Create Task Dialog give name and Description for the
Step 6: Click on Triggers Tab. Click on New Button and Select “On
WorkStation Lock” from the “Begin the Task” DropDown. And the
Click ok.
Step 7: Once Trigger are set Successfully Click on Action Method.
Click the Browser button and Select you program we created in the add
Arguments Text Type “Login Time:”and Click Ok.
Step 8: In the Conditions Tab “Check” Wake the Computer to run
this task.
Step 9: On Settings Tab “Check” Run a task as soon as possible
after a schedule start missed and click ok.
Step 10: Once Every step is done you can see you task on Task
Follow the Same Step to Create Logoff Timer Task task. You need to
change Two things for Logoff Timer. In the Trigger Settings Select
“On Workstation unlock” under “Begin the Task” drop down.
In the Action Tab Type “Log Off Time:” in the Add arguments
If you created a task correctly in the task scheduler you can see "LogonTimeRecorderConsole.txt" file in the publish folder recording logoff and login time.
If you have queries write in comments section.
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